Thursday, February 21, 2008

Well, this is really how it ALL started....Part 2

Let's back up a little. Both of my girls have had eczema since a couple months old. It's been really bad. My almost 4 year old has had it the worst. She rarely sleeps through the night from itching. Her hands used to be really, really bad. They were so dry and cracked that she would bleed and each finger would have to be wrapped each day with medicine and guaze. At night she would bleed on her sheets from her hands and feet and knees. We would tape socks on her hands and feet to try and keep her from scratching in her sleep.

With my older daughter we went through the dermatologist and allergist and never saw any results, so we are at a loss this time around. Through some friends we heard about a "alternative" doctor. He does allergy treatments, kinda like allergy shots, but much more controversial. Using pressure points on your body, he "resets" your body when in contact with the allergen. I was very skeptical.

We really considered this out of desperation, but started going there after much prayer. We have been amazed. It is not and easy fix, but we have seen steady progress through the last year. We started going in the beginning of 2007 and my daughter doesn't have to have bandages on her fingers any more and she can now eat eggs, something she has been allergic to and would turn beet red if she came in contact with. Her eczema is about 80% better than it used to be. She still has many allergy issues, but we are only about 1/2 way through the allergy treatments. Because of the MRSA, we haven't been able to go as much as we'd like.

That is how we started looking into things that the medical community may not even consider. I am definitely not anti-medicine. It is a blessing to live in a time where we have so many medications available to us. But, I also think there can be other ways of doing things that may not be the mainstream.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow,Dana. thanks for doing this! When word gets out, I know the Lord will use you to bless many people through your experience- As soon as I hear of another family battling this- this blog will be forwarded to them! Love ya