Saturday, March 22, 2008

Warning: Pictures Added

I just added some pictures of how we've seen MRSA in our family. The one's I've taken of the large boils didn't come out. I only have some small spots, a rash that developed small pustules that tested positive for MRSA and a picture of me in the hospital when the MRSA turned to cellulitis. Hopefully we won't have any more large one's to take pictures of, but if so, I'll post them then. They are at the bottom of the page, beware if you are sensitive.


Lindsay said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Dana. That is pitiful. I am so glad God has been so MRSA-ful to you guys! And that you have been MRSA free for so long now. We'll be praying yours goes away soon!

Anonymous said...

Where are the pics? Can you repost them please?